Every Heart Counts

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Line Dancing and Volleyball

What a great turn out we had tonight for our Enrichment Activity! Daphne, our Line Dancing Instructor did a superb job of teaching various dance sequences, each a little harder and slightly more complicated than the last. I was alright to begin with, but once she introduced turning in different directions, well.....my mind and my feet are just not designed to work together you know, and I was virtually an accident waiting to happen. LOL! Oh the poor sisters next to me. I think I was the only one that didn't have the co-ordination gene. God blessed me with many talents, but unfortunately dancing wasn't one of them. So to mask my lack of ability, I grabbed the camera and tried to capture the fun the sisters were having. Now keep in mind I am NOT a photographer by any means.

We were especially thankful to have the Laurels join us tonight. They brought a real energy to the evening, and their joyful spirit was contagious. (Gotta say it helped mightily that they were all pretty much guru's at co-ordination and dancing!) :D How wonderful too, to see several new faces at our activity. Sisters we loved having you join us, and hope to see you again.

After the line dancing, we divided into four teams and played volleyball. Who knew it was such a hilarious game! Going by all the laughter echoing throughout the hall, it was obvious everyone was having a blast. It was also great to see how much sporting talent some of the sisters and young women have.

Thankyou so much to Daphne for teaching us line dancing, and to Iunisi for organising the evening. I can't wait to see what's in store for Octobers Enrichment Activity.

Don't forget, those going to the movies on Friday night, meet at the chapel at 6pm. Don't be late, because they'll be leaving for the mall at 6.05pm. If you're already in Manukau, you can meet at the movie theatre in the Mall. The movie STARTS at 6.40pm, so give yourself plenty of time to buy your ticket and popcorn.

Don't forget the ward is fundraising for our Youth on Saturday. Please bring your food and whatever else you have to donate to the Talisa's home no later than 9am, so they can repackage it all and get it ready for sale by 10am when the stalls open. Tell your neighbours, bring your friends - lets all get behind our youth and help them raise money for their camp.

1 comment:

J said...

Good turnout. Is that how many you usually get?