Every Heart Counts

Sunday, August 30, 2009

In Transit

The Relief Society Fireside tonight was beautifully presented. The theme was "In Transit", and was focused on helping the Young Women transition into Relief Society. The music was beautiful, the talks were well thought out and delivered, and the activity was lots of fun. All the things you want in a fireside.

A couple of points that really stuck with me were:

1. Relief Society is more than just a class you ATTEND. It is an organisation you BELONG to. Get involved.

2. It is not just up to the Presidency to make new sisters feel welcome. It is up to every single sister in Relief Society to open their arms, welcome the new sisters and make them feel at home.

3. We need to get to know the Laurels BEFORE they walk in the door to Relief Society.

4. We need to watch over the new sisters and show our love for them for as long as it takes them to really settle in. This may be a few weeks, a few months, or a few years. Everyone is different, but everyone needs to feel loved and wanted. (This goes for all new sisters to the ward, not just the young women).

So with those points in mind, I got to thinking. What can we do in Mountfort Ward to help our Young Womens transition easier? Can you remember back to your first time in Mountfort Ward Relief Society? What would have helped you? What would you like to have happened? What do they do in other wards that you think might work for us? What could you do now to help someone else? If we had a welcome pack, what would you like to have in it?

I would LOVE to get some thoughts/opinions/suggestions from you all. And from the Young Women. We're all for new ideas here. I have enabled the post comments option (at least I think I have), so you can reply below.


Janferay said...

Perhaps in your welcome pack you could have a photo of the leaders in RS with their names, e.g. presidency, HFPE leader, VT leader...
And maybe a glossary so they know what RS terms mean e.g. HFPE = Home Family and Personal Enrichment, VT = Visiting Teaching etc and some explanations about what these are/do.

Jacinda's mum said...

In Ngaruawahia all the Young Women go to opening exercise in RS once a month and the Laurels stay on for the lesson that day.We also invited the Laurels to go on our RS camp to Raglan and they had a ball with us.