Every Heart Counts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Walk with gratitude

“Walk with gratitude in your hearts, my dear friends. Be thankful for the wonderful blessings that are yours. Be grateful for the tremendous opportunities that you have. Be thankful to your parents who care so very much about you and who have worked so very hard to provide for you. Let them know that you are grateful. Say thank you to your mother and father. Say thanks you to your friends. Say thank you to your teachers. Express appreciation to everyone who does you a favor or assists you in any way.”

“Thank the Lord for His goodness to you. Thank the Almighty for His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who has done for you what no other in all this world could do. Thanks Him for His great example, for His tremendous teachings, for His reaching hand to lift and help. Thank the Lord for His marvelous Church restored in this great season of history. Thank Him for all that it offers you. Thank Him for friends and loved ones, for parents and brothers and sisters, and family. Thank Him for a strong body, for a sound mind, for teachers who guide you and mentors who take a special interest in you, for those willing to coach you and help you develop new talents or become better at something you love."

"Thank Him that you live in a land of freedom, where you can come and go as you please and make choices that suit you. Thank Him that you live in a time of relative prosperity. Thank Him for the advances in communication that allow you to stay close to those you love and interact with. Thank Him for the ease of travel and the privilege of getting an education. And even thank Him for your struggles, for they will make you strong if you will let them.”

Gordon B Hinkley

Saturday, May 14, 2011

For our Youth

A little something for our Young Women today. Listen to the words. Really listen. Hear what he's saying...

And a message all young women should hear.

I love this story. How wonderful the world would be if all the youth did a good deed instead of a prank.